Leather Bags. Keytags.
Products made from high quality natural leather, created by the talented hands of designer, Leonid Titov. The belt bags are detailed with wear-resistant metal parts. Bright colors, non-trivial elements and Freelabel text printed in our Think Print studio. Keytags with a metal carabiner and 3D-rubber by Freelabel. Clip the keytag onto your key ring, accessories, and bag.
Eco-leather fluro spike bag [Green]
13,500.00 ₽Belt bag with 3 pockets and fluro plastic spikes. Made from natural leather. In collaboration with Leonid Titow.
Eco-leather fluro spike bag [Orange]
13,500.00 ₽Belt bag with 3 pockets and fluro plastic spikes. Made from natural leather. In collaboration with Leonid Titow.
Eco-leather fluro spike bag [Pink]
13,500.00 ₽Belt bag with 3 pockets and fluro plastic spikes. Made from natural leather. In collaboration with Leonid Titow.
1,200.00 ₽Keytag by FREELABEL with metal spring hook. Print 3D rubber - I AM THE DESIGNER OF MY OWN CATASTROPHE.
1,200.00 ₽Keytag by FREELABEL with metal spring hook. Print 3D rubber – DEFINITELY MINE
1,200.00 ₽Keytag by FREELABEL with metal spring hook. Print 3D rubber - I GIVE NO ORDINARY LOVE
1,200.00 ₽Keytag by FREELABEL collaboraiton with Alexandra Waks. With metal spring hook. Print 3D rubber.
Leather spike bag [ Black ]
22,500.00 ₽Belt bag with 3 pockets and metal spikes. Made from natural leather. In collaboration with Leonid Titow.
Leather spike bag [ Hot pink ]
22,500.00 ₽Belt bag with 3 pockets and metal spikes. Made from natural leather. In collaboration with Leonid Titow.
Leather spike bag [ Sea wave ]
22,500.00 ₽Belt bag with 3 pockets and metal spikes. Made from natural leather. In collaboration with Leonid Titow.
Брелок/keychain THINK , Blue
1,200.00 ₽Keytag by FREELABEL with metal spring hook.. Print 3D rubber and reflective text THINK.
Брелок/keychain THINK , White
1,200.00 ₽Keytag by FREELABEL with metal spring hook.. Print 3D rubber and reflective text THINK.
Брелок/keychain WAKS, Black
1,200.00 ₽Keytag by FREELABEL collaboraiton with Alexandra Waks. With metal spring hook. Print 3D rubber and reflective text THINK.